Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are battling for votes in Pennsylvania, but they're fighting for dollars in the Bay area. Hillary was in town earlier this week scrounging up cash, and Barack gets here this weekend. The good news for both of them: There's plenty of dough to go around.
Hillary made two ATM stops this week: A Wednesday dinner in Menlo Park, chaired by VC kingpin John Doerr and his wife, Ann; and a San Francisco breakfast. We don't have an attendance number, but we assume each guest gave the maximum $2,300 per.
But Hillary's a slacker compared to Barack, who will raise money at four different stops over the weekend: Billionaire Gordon Getty will have him over Sunday for a breakfast at his mansion, which boasts a ballroom that can seat 200. He's also got events lined up at former Oracle exec Sohaib Abbasi's house, the home of a San Francisco developer Alex Mehran, and another event in Marin County.
We're assuming Barack will out-raise Hillary this week, given his appeal among the tech set. He certainly ought to appeal to Google's millionaires, given that he's the only candidate putting any money into online ads.
See Also: Obama Wins The Valley: He's The New iPhone
Obama Pours Campaign Cash Online