HD TV is a hit with at least one big ad buyer: Publicis' Starcom, which inked what its calling an "upfront" ad deal with Discovery HD Networks, Mark Cuban's HDNet, NBC Universal's Universal HD, and DirectTV's HD networks.
Aside from Discovery, these networks are little-watched, so what's the urgency to buy ads upfront? Well, Nielsen said today HD TV penetration is growing fast. Nearly 27% of U.S. households can display HD programming on their TV sets, up from 19% six months ago.
And what studies have been done show people like the ads in HD more, because, well, they're prettier. Starcom and Discovery sponsored a 2007 study that showed ads in HD had triple the recall than the same ads in standard definition, and veiwers were 41% more likely to classify an HD ad as "very enjoyable."
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